Our list of discounts and special deals


Places you can get to without a car

Comics Factory
Located at 1298 E. Colorado (between Zankou Chicken and the McDonald's), this is probably the most local place to buy anime, assuming the bookstore doesn't start selling it. As the name suggests, Comics Factory is primarily a comics store, but all that means is that it's they're more likely to have manga in stock than anime. Very good selection of manga, good selection of anime for rental ($2/2 days, $1/each additional day), less anime on hand for purchase, but you can place special orders. Base price is MSRP, but you can get discounts by maintaining a pull list (a set of comics they hold for you to purchase when you come in to buy them at least once per month - this is good for 15% off printed material and 20% off for DVDs IIRC). Not much in the way of anime-related merchandise.
At the intersection of Lake and San Pasqual. Anime selection is small and even the series they stock are generally not all there. Manga selection is sizeable. Prices are basically MSRP.
Located in Little Tokyo. Japanese bookstore. Manga, both domestic releases and imports. Anime DVDs.
Anime Jungle
Kamikaze Anime?
Kawaii Anime?


Places within driving distance

Anime Gamers
Anime Plus


Not a comprehensive list of online anime stores (see Anime on DVD's site sponsors for something closer to that), but a list of online stores that offer things that might be hard to find at other stores (whether those things be merchandise or discounts)

Anime Corner Store
Aloha Anime

US Commercial Release Companies:

Local Anime Suppliers

Non-local Suppliers