The Viewing Committee

Contacting the viewing committee

Nobody really knows who is on The Viewing Committee but if you think you do, you can contact any of them with suggestions for new titles to show, objections with currently showing titles, and general praise of the committee's efforts.

The best way to contact The Viewing Committee is to send email to cas-viewing@ugcs and they will at least read your message.

Alternately, you could use the following form

Your name:

Email address or other contact information:

Please give comments below. If you are recommending a show title, please give us some information about it and when you think it should be shown.


You can also bug the club officers who are on the viewing committee by default. The Showings Coordinator holds the position of comittee chairman.

All of the power, none of the glory...

[The Required Ashram/Pirotess Image]

If you want things shown, bug the viewing committee.