Constitution of the Caltech Anime Society

prepared by Mark Neidengard,

Article 1: Club Purpose

The Caltech Anime Society (hereafter referred to as the "Club") exists to offer regular showings of Japanese animation ("anime") to Club members and interested visitors in a semi-public venue. The Club strives to bring together fans of anime and provide a forum for them to discuss and share their interest. The Club also maintains a Club Library to facilitate showings and allow Club members immediate access to titles of interest. The ultimate goal of the Club is to raise the public consciousness about anime and promote a broader interest in it and related topics.

Article 2: Club Actions

Article 3: Club Members

Membership in the Club shall be provided upon payment of Club Dues. Membership shall not be required to attend showings. Membership shall afford the following privileges:

Article 4: Club Officers

Club Officers shall be Members in good standing from the Caltech Community, elected by the Club Members. All decisions regarding scheduling of Club events or funding actions shall be reached by majority vote of all the Officers. All Officers may delegate their duties as needed.